How a footballer should eat for elite performance | Day 10: Stop eating astronaut food

What food a footballer should be eating for elite performance

Is food really the secret to weight loss, muscle gain, and longevity?

What about recovery and performance?

The answer is neither yes or no.

I will tell you that everything boils down to light…

But we’ll discuss that another time.

For now I want you to consider if you eat Real or Fake food and consider what the differences might be between the two.

Because I can certainly tell you that REAL food does in fact nourish the body and provide the inputs for world class health.

And that processed man-made cooked “food” devoid bio-active enzymes and healthy bacteria is certainly not digestible in any way by the human body (and this 99% of food you’ll see in the grocery stores).

Let me tell you a story:

Imagine a prison built on the moon.

Earth sends our worst villians to this prison.

All the supplies to feed the inmates, guards, and staff must be sent via space ship.

Nothing grows there and the food must be able to survive the trip.

Now imagine what that food would look like….

Now compare that to what you see on the shelves of every grocery store…

The same thing

Moral of the story: We’ve been normalized to garbage prison food. We’ve lost touch to real natural foods. Thus we’ve been normalized to abysmal health.

Athletes don’t realize that they are putting absolute junk in their bodies every single day.

And that this will lead to worse performance and a higher likelihood of injury.

And that they’d feel a thousand times better with real food in their system nourishing the body.

Does that mean you have to be a nerd and count calories, meal prep, and never enjoy a treat?

No of course not.

But it does 80% of the time you should be eating clean and in a way that gives the body what it wants in digestible format.

Here’s what I want you to do:

  • Go to your local farmers market. Buy only what is in season, fresh, and local.
  • Go to your local butcher or fishmonger. Buy fresh, organic, unfrozen, and grass fed/wild-caught
  • Then 1x/week after you’ve executed on all your goals that week, enjoy a meal that matches your appetite with friends and loved ones. Smiles are expected and full bellies are demanded. Of course be smart and eat quality food in some format, not cancer causing fast food or absolute terrible pasteurized ice cream. Something unique that feeds the soul.